
Wednesday, June 9, 2010


This is more or less what my life is like these days.  I'm not complaining, in fact I would rather have it this way.  I love lists.  I mean I absolutely heart them!  I <3 Lists!  :)  Just thought I would share what I have been busy with when I haven't been on here blogging or being terribly productive in my kitchen.

My Life List:

Find out where we'll be living.  Check
Find an apartment.  Check
Apply for said apartment.  Check
Look for jobs for me in new city.  Check
Make Etsy shop for fun.  Check
Apply for said jobs.  Check
Find out we're approved and have said apartment.  Check
Celebrate Anniversary with sweet hubby.  Check
Try not to stress about everything that needs to get done.  Check/In progress
Go through boxes at my parent's house.  Check
Pick up formals from parent's house.  Check
Bring home about 10 boxes from said house.  Check
List things on eBay.  Check
Make things for Etsy shop.  Check/In progress
Get Books and Maps from AAA for trip.  Check
Reserve rental truck.  Check
Get Jeep tuned up for trip.  Check
Determine what to take, what to store, what to sell, what to donate and what to trash.  In progress.....


  1. I love lists too. I had to sit down this morning and make a list of what I would do today to keep myself from getting sidetracked. Otherwise I end up spending too much time on things that aren't all that important.

    That's a cute mouse you made-- I hope our cat doesn't take off with it before it sells on etsy!

  2. Thanks sweetie! Can't wait to see you tonight! :)
