
Monday, June 28, 2010

Easy Energy Bars

So, if you are like my husband you may just love energy bars.  He loves that you can just grab them and go, fuel up after a bike ride or well....just eat them for a snack.  I don't know if I know what his actual favorite is...but I know he  and really likes Clif Bars.  So, I was googling around recently for recipes for such.  I found this great blog called "Enlightened Cooking" and it's this woman who has done quite a bit of cooking, etc...she's even written cookbooks.  Anyway, she has a recipe for no bake Clif bars.  While it sounded good...I didn't have everything for it, and when I went to the store...I couldn't ever find the rice syrup.  Anyway, you should still check out her blog and recipe.  Pretty cool stuff....  :)

So, I have instead made my own recipe.  And I look forward to making many variations in weeks to come, because these are definitely WAY cheaper than buying Clif or Powerbars at the store!  Plus, it's nice that I know exactly what is going into them...and...I think they actually taste better.  Don't get me wrong, I like Clif bars, but there is just something about things that are homemade that just taste better.  :)

Easy Energy Bars:

(Peanut Butter Chocolate Cranberry)
1.5 c.  Rice Cereal
1.5 c.  Quick Oats
1/2 c.  Craisins
1/2 c.  Semi Sweet Chocolate Chips
3/4 c.  Peanut Butter
1/3 c.  Corn Syrup (Or something to sweeten it.  I'm going to try honey next!)
1 t.  Cocoa Powder
1/2 t.  Vanilla

1.  In a large bowl mix together Rice Cereal, Oats, Craisins and Chocolate Chips.

2.  Then in a small saucepan slowly bring the corn syrup and peanut butter to a boil.  Stir constantly, and once it boils take off the heat and add the cocoa and vanilla.

3.  Pour the peanut buttery mixture over the dry ingredients and mix together until the dry ingredients are moistened.

4.  Line a 9x9 pan with waxed paper and pour the mixture into it.  Spread it out to the sides.

5.  Put waxed paper on top of the mixture and using a glass tamp down the mixture to form the bars.

6.  Refrigerate for about 20 minutes.

7.  Take it out of the fridge and lift the bar out of the pan using the waxed paper.

8.  Cut into pieces and wrap to store.  I cut it into 6 pieces so they are roughly the size of Clif Bars.  But you can do whatever you choose!  :)   Refrigerate for longer storage, or if you are in a warmer climate.


(Mine on the door of the fridge for easy access!)

1 comment:

  1. [...] day that I needed (well rather, wanted) to make more energy bars for the hubs.  So I tweaked my original recipe so much that it is completely different–and worked MUCH better!  So I think it will for you [...]
