
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Back in the saddle again

It's good to be back in the saddle again.  :)  Well, I wish...anyway, I just got home today from a nice weekend away.  My hubs wasn't able to make it because he was busy researching away.  :(  But I did have a great time with my parents.  So that was nice.  :)  Some quality time before my husband and I move more than halfway across the country!

I got home to the apartment not looking much different than when I left.  Except of course the wonder green bananas I bought on Thursday, that I thought would make it through the weekend and just have ripened to that perfect yellow....were almost completely brown.  I could have let that bother me, but no way, they were perfect for Banana bread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And as you already know, I l-o-v-e banana bread.  Too bad I didn't have any nuts on hand though...but it's still going to be great!  A nice "welcome home" from my little kitchen.  :)

I have some other big news to share with you, but I will have to wait till it's all said and done tomorrow before I really share it.  Jsut consider it a big answer to a prayer.  (Or rather most of our prayers for the last 3 months or so!)   :)

Well, I better get back to my bread baking...and on to dinner...whatever that may be tonight.   I am glad to be back, but also sad because that means I better get to business with packing for sure!  ;)

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