
Monday, July 19, 2010

Pi Punch

Well, I forgot to blog about my favorite thing I made for the party on Saturday!  Punch.  Pi Punch.  Ever heard of it?  Maybe not exactly huh....  :)  Well, I used the rather standard recipe for punch that was always used at showers and wedding at the church I grew up in.  (In fact it was at my showers, and wedding too!)  It consists of about 1/2 gal. sherbet to 5 liters of 7-up or sprite.  Simple enough huh?  But SO good and refreshing!  It's always a big hit.  :)

I prefer the lime sherbet but I've had it in just about every flavor and they are all good.  I used lime at our party because my hubby is graduating from CSU, where the school colors are green and gold.  :)  And since he's a super genius Electrical Engineer, I got these super cute Pi shaped ice cube trays and made Pi ice cubes for the punch.  Now since I didn't want to water it down with water, I made the pi's out of sprite.  And so that they would be able to bee seen--and photographed--I colored them green.  :)  Pretty clever huh?  Well...I at least thought so.  :)