
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Farmer's market

Well, one thing we certainly like around this part of the country is that their farmer's markets go way later than back in CO. The main one in Durham goes until Thanksgiving, the main one in Raleigh is so big it's indoors and year-round, and there's a lot more than that. It's great! :)
Yesterday we ventured to the Durham Farmer's Market to check it out, and we were impressed. Just to name a few things that we got while at the market: buffalo soup bone (super cheap too, and I can't wait to make some soup with it!!), pecan chewy (to eat while looking at vendors), peppers, fresh edamame and basil. I had a list of things I wanted to get, but then once we were there it morphed a bit because of good deals on certain things like the soup bone. :) Also on the way home, we stopped at a grocery store to get tomatoes, fruit and a few other things to round out of the finds. Overall a successful market, and a good time! :) Did I mention it was SUPER hot out though? We melted a bit with every step... We stayed hydrated though and still had a fabulous time!

Where the magic happens at the Durham Farmer's Market....  Pretty huh?  Can hardly believe it was only established in 2001 ...

Anyway, stay tuned for a new recipe this week containing that buffalo soup bone... and maybe some others along the way!  ;)

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