
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Frugal's Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

Have you ever had a grilled cheese from Frugals?  Or, have you ever been to Frugals?  They are located in Montana and Washington and have fantastic food at a great price!  :)  So next time you are either in Montana or Washington, you should try to grab some food from there.  They feature double drive-thrus for your convenience too.  :)

Ever since I had a grilled cheese from Frugals back in the summer of 2004 I have wanted another!  I can make them at home that taste about the same, but theirs are still just special.  Here's how you can make them at home, and they really are quite frugal too.  :)

Frugal's Grilled Cheese:

Hamburger Buns


Velveeta Cheese (or other American Cheese will do, I just prefer to use Velveeta.)

1.  Butter the insides of the buns.  These insides will soon be outsides to the grilled cheese sandwiches.

2.  Preheat a pan on medium high.

3.  Slice the velveeta and place on the outsides (now insides) of the buns.

4.  Place the sandwiches in the preheated skillet and cook until golden brown on each side.  Flatten as you go to ensure they stick together.  I also like to call these "flat" grilled cheese.  :)  Sounds random...but they are SOOO good!

5.  Serve and enjoy.  Beware, the cheese gets hot and gooey!  Yum!  :)

I made these last night and served chips and salsa along side.  Big hit with my hubs too.  :)

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