
Monday, August 30, 2010

Salmon Sandwiches

I don't know about you, but I think lunch can easily be my least favorite meal of the day.  Not because there is anything inherantly wrong with it, or bad about it....just that it chops up my day and  I usually have to spend time making something to eat.  Know what I mean?!?  Anyway, I am always on the lookout for quick and easy lunch ideas.  Usually they are not super healthy though...  Then there's always tuna salad but, I heard recently that the levels of mercury in canned tuna are really quite high, so they are recommending eating canned salmon in its place now.  Here's an article about it.

So, when the hubs and I were out this weekend I picked up 5 pouches of Pink Salmon to have on hand.  (Although I still do have some Albacore tuna in the pantry...which I suppose will stay there for a while.)

Thus bringing me to today's lunch idea!  I started making stock out of my buffalo soup bones this morning around 10 or so, and also decided to make some whole wheat rolls for this week.  (Some for me, some for hubby and some for bruscetta for tonight!)  So, then it was just about lunch time and I was wondering what to make.  Then it dawned on me...yummy salmon sandwich.   I didn't know what I would think of a salmon salad sandwhich, so this is what I did instead!  And I loved it, and it's super healthy!

Salmon Sandwiches:

1 Small Pouch Pink Salmon

3/4 c.  Zucchini, finely shredded

1 T. Onion, finely diced

1 t. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

4 Whole Wheat Rolls

1.  Put the Olive oil in a small skillet on medium high, then add the onion, salmon and zucchini.

2.  Saute for about 2 minutes or until most of the moisture is out of the zucchini.

3.  Split rolls open and put 1/4 of the salmon mixture on each.

4.  Serve warm or chilled.  Enjoy!

(Not salt, pepper, mayo, mustard, etc. needed!)


  1. Thanks! :) I guess I will find out what you really today after lunch! ;)
