
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Mix it up!

Alright, so as you already know we just moved over 1700 miles away from home just last month.  Along the way there were a few minor fatalities of small things that broke...but nothing major.  Anyway, I hadn't found my stand mixer yet...but I wasn't too worried because I still had a couple of kitchen boxes left to unpack.  So, on Tuesday night I finally had a look through my spreadsheet on my computer of all the boxes....only to find no boxes containing my mixer.  Still hopeful, I went through the rest of the kitchen boxes Wednesday morning.

Still not finding my mixer, I ripping through our apartment like a tornado going through every last thing we own.  (With the exception of the attic because I didn't really want to go there, plus I was confident that it hadn't made its way up there.)  So, alas I broke down and called my mom to tell her my poor mixer had been left behind.  (Keep in mind this was the super nice sunbeam heavy duty mixer she gave me when I got married just 2 short years ago.)  She advised me to call the apartment management of our old place to see if they knew anything about it.  So I did.

I called around noon on Wednesday to leave a message for the "broker" there.  Then after not hearing anything from them, I decided to call back 5 hours later and leave a message on their general answering machine.  (Thinking that maybe the broker was out of town and not able to get messages.)  Finally around 6pm I got a very rude call from them.  Basically stating that they didn't know about the mixer, and basically had no way of knowing.  Saddened, not just because my poor mixer was gone, but also because that company had been SO rude to me, I went on my merry way to pick up my hubby from work.

We had a nice chat on the way home.  Then he suggested we go look at mixers that night and see what kind of deal we could find.  So, to make this long story a little shorter I will spare you the details of our search that night and just let you know that we found a great, I mean G.R.E.A.T. deal!!!!   We got a 5 quart, 325 watt, black Kitchenaid stand mixer for 1/2 price!!  :)  So, I am a happy girl.

Then, to my surprise this morning I got a call from my old management company.  This time it was the same girl, but being super nice.  She told me that they found my mixer and had it at their office for me to pick up.  I was SO happy they had found it.  (Closure and all.)  I had to break it to her that I was now living in NC not CO, but that my parents could pick it up for me.  So this morning, my parents went over and picked up my Sunbeam mixer!!!!!!  Isn't that sweet of them?!?!?!  Anyway, I was talking to my mom and wondered if I should take back the new Kitchenaid and we decided that I still should keep it.  For one, I don't know how or when I will get my sunbeam here and I can have a mixer to use for now. (plus I eventually wanted a Kitchenaid anyway...just thought it would be 15 or so years down the road and not now...but I did get a great deal on it, so that's super!)

Anyway, I was busy in the kitchen today getting back in the groove of being a foodie.  I had kind of been in a funk lately...I suppose it was a lot in part to the lack of a mixer.  Anyway, I am back and at it!  I made Banana bread, peanut butter cookies and edamame guac today!  :)

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