
Monday, October 18, 2010

Make your own pumpkin puree

This isn't rocket science, but I thought I would put up a little how to for your resource!  :)  Start out with a "Pie Pumpkin" which is a small pumpkin that is perfectly round and about 6-8" in diameter.  It should look like this one below.

 1.  Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.  Carefully cut the pie pumpkin in half and remove the seeds.  There are quite a few seeds--especially considering the size--so save them to roast!  :)
 2.  Place the halves on a baking sheet flat side down and bake for about an hour.  (Somehow I didn't get a pic of the seeded halves or them on the sheet before baking....)
3.  Once they have baked for an hour, they will look something like this....don't fret about all the creamted juices.  It happens, and isn't too hard to clean up.
4.  While the pumpkin is still hot out of the oven, carefully (with a spatula) turn over each half.  Then carefully remove the cooked flesh from the skin. (Put flesh in large bowl.) This is really easy because it's hot and all nice and cooked!  :)
 5.  Then once all the flesh has been removed from the pumpkin mash it up by hand or with a:  food processor, blender or mixer.  Then you can use it immediately (in pumpkin bread or some pie) or store in fridge for no more than 3 days.  You could also can it, and find instructions for doing so!  :)
 Yum...that makes me on the look out for new pumpkin recipes this week!! :)

Some of the seeds I just roasted from my pie pumpkin.

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