
Friday, October 29, 2010

Owl Cupcakes

I guess I missed announcing my 200th post here's my 201st today!!! Sweet huh??  I can't believe I've already done that many posts on here since January!!  Thanks for being my loyal readers too!!!!  I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you! :)

Anyway, these cupcakes are truly a hoot!!!   :)  I got this idea from my Mom yesterday.  She'd seen them before and when I googled them, they were there...but we couldn't figure out who actually came up with the idea.  So, when/if I ever find out, I will be sure to let you know!!  

These are super, super cute and super easy Halloween (or really anytime) cupcakes though!  

You'll need these ingredients:
Cupcakes, cooled (I did Chocolate from a box, but any flavor will due!)
Chocolate Frosting (canned or homemade)
Candy Corn
Brown/Black M&M's
Oreo's (I used regular, but you could use double stuffed ones.)

1.  Gather your ingredients and make the cupcakes.
 2.  Work on the eyes for the owls.  Just open up the Oreo and we'll use the side with the cream filling. Like this...
 But if they don't come apart very well, you can use a cheese slicer to help out!  I ended up using this for most of mine!  :)
 3.  Frost the cupcakes with the chocolate frosting.
 4.  Then place two oreo "eyes"  on the cupcake like so...
 5.  Then place the pupils (M&Ms) on the eyes (you may need a dab of frosting to make them stick) and put the beak (Candy Corn) in place.
 6.  Then put the owl faces on the rest of your cupcakes.
 Aren't they just adorable?  And a hoot?  :)  I love them!  

Anyway, hope you have a hoot while making them and serving them!!!!  Just in time for Hallow's eve too!  :)

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