
Sunday, October 3, 2010

Poor Man's Pizza

Alright, this is quite possibly my very favorite pizza to make at home.  I make it 99% of the time for myself, but never have for my hubs till tonight.  And as it turns out, he likes it too!  Best part?  It's super easy, yummy and cheap!  Plus, it's basically all things found in your pantry...or out of staples.  :)
Poor Man's Pizza (aka my favorite homemade pizza)

Pizza Dough (Any will due!  Mine, yours or from the store!)

Mozzarella Cheese, shredded

Fresh Basil, roughly chopped

Garlic, minced

So, all you do is put the pizza dough on a pizza pan or baking sheet.  Then spinkle the cheese evenly over it.  Then sprinkle the basil and garlic over the cheese!
Bake in a hot 425degree oven for about 7-10 minutes (until golden)  and get ready to taste a little bit of heaven in a very affordable way!  :)  Enjoy!!!

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