
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Roasted Seeds

It's that time of year again!  And you probably have some squash on your hands.  Which means you probably have some seeds too!  Why not roast them and eat them as a yummy snack?  It's not just for kids anymore, adult enjoy them too!  (At least I do!)  :)  Super simple and delicious!

Roasted Seeds:
Seeds (like from pumpkins, acorn or butternut squash)
Garlic Salt
Olive oil

1.  Start with your seeds.  They'll probably look like this....  So, you definitely will want to clean them off before roasting.  I just put them in a bowl and put some water in it and then move them around with my fingers.  You may have to actually pull some of the seeds out of the flesh too.  Then drain the water.
2.  After the seeds are clean, drizzle a tad bit of olive oil in the bowl and stir them around to coat.  Then place them on a baking sheet and spread them out.  Sprinkle with pepper, garlic salt and paprika. 
 3.  Roast the seeds in a 350 degree oven for about 5 minutes.  Then stir and roast for about 5 more minutes. Or long if you like them more roasted.  :)  I apparently forgot about mine a little bit today because some look rather roasted.  I will assure you that they all still tasted great! ;)
And here's some more seeds I just roasted that were from a tiny pie pumpkin!  (Those have a ton of seeds for their size!)

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