
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Nut Cookies (Flour-less)

The few times that my hubby and I have gone to that wonderful Farmers Market in Durham, we've gotten these delicious nutty, chocolaty cookie bars.  So, today I felt like making some cookies that resemble the way those taste.  Here they are....and I think you'll be pleased.  Not only are the gluten free, flour-less cookies, but they are delicious!!  :)

Almond Cookies (Yields about 2 dozen cookies)
1.5 c.  Almonds (or other nuts) *
1 c.  Brown Sugar, packed
1 egg white
1 t. Oil
1/4 c.  Chocolate chips, optional

1.  Put the nuts in a food processor or blender and pulverize like so....they should resemble flour when they are done!  :)
 2.  To the pulverized nuts add the rest of the ingredients, and then process until well blended.
 3.  Lightly grease your baking sheet, and drop by the teaspoonful leaving about 2 inches between each cookie.
 4.  Bake at 325degrees for 8-12 minutes.
 Enjoy!  These would go great with a cold glass of milk!  (So I'm told...)  :)

*For high altitude use an extra 1/4 c. of nuts making it 1.75 c. of nuts.

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