
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Chocolaty Treats and Gifts

Who doesn't like a little chocolate covered treat?  In fact, isn't just about everything better with chocolate?   I've even heard of chocolate covered grasshoppers....and while you won't ever see me posting a recipe for still does sounds intriguing right.  ha!  Anyway, in this post I'll give you some ideas for making goodies for yourself, family and friends!  :)  Because after all, who doesn't like chocolate?  Ok....maybe people who are allergic to it.  You get my point though.  Most people love chocolate, so it makes a great gift or snack at a party!  I think Chocolate covered strawberries would have to be up there with my very favorite foods....and here are some others that are close...
Chocolate Covered Almonds... 
 Melt chocolate (microwave it slowly or use a double boiler) then with a tongs dip in almonds.  Place said chocolaty almonds on a plate covered in waxed paper to cool.  
 Then top with crushed peppermint or drizzled chocolate for a professional look.

Chocolate covered Biscotti and Candy Cane
 Dip or brush melted chocolate over the biscotti as shown.  For candy canes, unwrap the bottom part of the candy and cut off excess wrapper.  Then dip the exposed candy into melted chocolate like so.   :)
Yum! and easy!
 Chocolate Dipped Spoons
As you saw in my post yesterday, chocolate dipped spoons make a great addition to a hot cocoa basket!  Just dip spoons in melted chocolate and add marshmallows if desired.  :)

This isn't a chocolate dipped treat, but it's a great chocolaty one!  Easy, fun and festive!  :) 

When giving as a gift an easy (and green) option is to put the chocolaty goodies into a canning jar and trim with fabric like so.  Super easy, fun, festive and inexpensive! (and reusable)  :)

And in case you haven't heard, I'm now on Twitter and Facebook!  So check ADM out on either (or both) of those for the latest info!  :)  

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