
Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

I find it so hard to believe that 2010 is coming to a close!  We've had a great year, and I hope you have too!  Here are just a few highlights of what happened in 2010 in this Foodie's life....

  • January 21st -- I started this cooking blog.  :)
  • Memorial Day -- My hubby and I found out where we were going to move in less than 3 months.
  • July 20th -- My hubby defended his Dissertation for his PhD.  
  • July 31st- August 3rd -- We (along with my parents) moved over 1700miles from Northern Colorado to the Research Triangle in North Carolina.
  • September -- Held ADM's first giveaway with the help of
  • October -- I purchased my own domain and moved my whole cooking blog to!
  • November -- Gave away the very first ADM apron.
  • December -- ADM continues to grow and can now be found on several blog listings such as:  Sheblogs, NCblogs, BlogTopSites and FoodieBlogRoll!
  • December 31st--258th post was published on ADM!  :)  That's a lot of writing, and even more cooking and baking!
I really want to thank you all for allowing me into your kitchen and letting me share my life!  A lot has happened and a lot of it wouldn't have happened if it weren't for you!  ADM has been a great adventure to undertake this year, and I can't wait for many more to come!  So thanks for reading.  Thanks for following on fb and/or Twitter.  And thanks for letting me in your kitchens!  :)  

I have a lot planned for 2011.  But as always, I would love to hear the ideas, suggestions and requests you have!  So send them my way!  :)

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