
Thursday, December 9, 2010

How to Make Knot Rolls

Rolls are another staple at the Thanksgiving, Christmas or other holiday table.  These aren't rocket science, but with just a little more effort than regular rolls, these will be a crowd pleaser! :)  You can use your favorite dough for this recipe.  (So either roll dough or bread dough will work.)

What you'll need:
Floured surface
Rolling Pin
Greased Pan
Preheated oven (350 degrees)

1.  Grab a section of dough and roll it out to about 1/2" thick.  Cut into about 1" strips.
2.  Pick up one strip and tie it in a knot. 
3.  Pinch the loose ends together.
4.  Flip knot over.
Step 1                     Step 2                       Step 3                        Step 4
 5.  Place knots on the greased pan about 2" apart.
 6.  Bake in a 350 degree oven for about 15 minutes or until golden.
Enjoy!  :)  

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