
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Banana Fritters

Have you ever had a banana fritter?  They are SO good.  And super easy to make!  :)  It's kind of funny really...I've made these, oh, lots of times in the past 2-3 years.  And I just found out tonight that this is the first time my husband has ever had one.  Whooopps....I guess I must only make them while he isn't around or something...weird.  (But funny.)  Anyway, I'll have you know these have now gotten the hubby seal of approval too!  :)

Without any further adieu (did I even spell that right?) I give you the recipe...

Banana Fritters:
Oil (for frying)
1 Egg
1/2 c. Flour
2 T. Sugar (Granulated or Confectioners)
2-4 T. Water
1-3 Bananas (Green or Yellow ones, NOT brown!)  :)

1.  Start out by heating the oil in a small sauce pan.  You just need 1/2" or so in the bottom of the pan.
2.  Whisk together the egg, flour, sugar and water.  If you'd like a runnier batter add more water, if you'd like it more stiff add less.  I like to add 3 T. :)
3.  Slice up the bananas.  You can do this however you like, but I like to cut them in half then in quarters.  Like this... 

 4.  Once the oil is hot enough for fryin' up some goodies.  Dip a banana in the batter, and gently place it in the pan.  I recommend testing with just one banana until you can tell just how long each one will take to cook.  They really don't take long at all, btw.  :)
 5.  Carefully repeat step 4 until all the banana fritters are done!  
Once the fritters are done I like to place them on a paper towel lined plate to get the excess oil off.
 Serve them while they are still warm and enjoy!  You can dust the top with sugar if desired.
 Yum.  :)

If you have leftover batter make some funnel cakes with it.

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