
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Hello again!

You may, or may not have noticed that I have been out of town for the last couple of weeks.  I still managed to post several recipes while I was away though.  My hubby and I got to travel back to Colorado for Christmas!  My hubby came back to NC after a week, while I got to stay in Colorado for two whole weeks!  It was SO great to see family and spend lots of quality time with them.  We also got to eat lots of great food together.  With the emphasis on LOTS. :)  For me, probably too much good food...but now that I'm back to reality I will choose to not eat that much anymore.  (Except for the holidays right?)  :)
Here's a pic of my Mom and three of my nieces making goodies for Christmas!
Here's my oldest niece filling her plate up for Christmas dinner.  Yum.  :)
Anyway, I just flew back into NC last night.  My flight was running a little late, but everything went well and we only got in about an hour late after all.  I say by a couple of really nice ladies on the plane, with whom I had some great conversations.  (Which was nice!)  When I got out of the secure area in the airport, my sweet hubby was waiting for me with beautiful flowers in hand! (Cute?  I think so!)

It was so great to be back in Colorado with family, but, I guess as always, it's nice to be back home now.  Not that I ever really thought that anywhere else would ever be home besides Colorado....    So, after I get to the store to get some groceries I will be cooking up a storm!  :)  That...and maybe after I get all this laundry done.  ;)

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