
Friday, January 28, 2011

It's a Love Story: Chapter 3

We got to my parent’s house, and he walked me to the door.  He gave me a hug and said goodnight.  I was still a little bit in heaven from the whole wonderful evening.  I think that was single handedly the best date ever.  Well, at least in my life up until that point. : )

A few days came and went, and then Wednesday night we had our third date.  We met in the middle again, since it was mid-week and we ate dinner at Charley’s Sub Shop.  Then we went to a movie and Rocket Scientist put his arm around me.  He didn’t tell me till we were walking to the car later, but his arm fell asleep after a little bit into the movie.  But he didn’t want to move it because it was “totally worth it”, in his words.  If I’d a known, I’d a moved it for him.  I guess guys don’t mind their arms falling asleep though.

For our forth date Rocket Scientist wanted to take me up to Estes Park and Rocky Mountain National Park to go hiking.  So on Saturday, August 4th, 2007 he picked me up around 10am and we drove up to Estes.   Since he was going to do the driving, I decided to make and take lunch for us.  I brought turkey sandwiches, chips and then for dessert I made chocolate covered strawberries.

We got up to RMNP around 11am and made our way over to the trailhead.  The weather was just perfect and we started out on our hike.  Before we started the incline, we stopped for a quick picture of us.  Rocket Scientist had brought a tripod and set it up to be sure to get a picture of us.  That was our very first picture, and a pretty good one too!  I love the thought he put into it too!

Since it was such a nice day, there were a fair amount of people on the trail that day but it was no problem.  In fact, the bigger problem was tried to miss all of the road apples covering the path.  They were everywhere, and I think most of them were fresh.  We got to the summit of the trail and had lunch.  We were hungry and those simple sandwiches were so good.  We decided to save the strawberries for later though, since they are kind of messy.

After lunch we made our way down to the Jeep.  We drove down to the town of Estes and walked around a bit.  It’s such a charming little town if you ever have a chance to go there.  We walked up and down the main street and just talked.  Then we went to a parking lot overlooking the Lake and ate those strawberries.

The next day some of my friends and I went out to lunch after Church.  They all decided to go to a movie that night, and invited me along.  Since the movie was showing at the theatre that is in-between Rocket Scientist and me, I invited him along too.  He brought some friends too, and we had a nice evening.  He walked me to my Explorer and gave me a hug.  Then, right there in the parking lot of the movie theatre, we danced.  Just for a brief moment, but it was nice.  We said goodbye and already had plans to go dancing on Wednesday night.

Wednesday came, and my Mom, Dad, oldest sister A and her kiddos, Rocket Scientist and I went to dinner at a local Mexican Restaurant.  This was the first time that Rocket Scientist met my sister and her kids.  We all had a great time and my oldest niece was so darling.  She was just 6 years old and must have liked Rocket Scientist quite a bit, because she kind of flirted with him all throughout dinner.  It was cute.  While we were eating dinner I noticed how good Rocket Scientist was with kids too.  He just loves them, and plays with them.  Very sweet.

After dinner, Rocket Scientist and I went to go country dancing.  We tried to get in, but they rejected what Rocket Scientist was wearing.  To be honest, I’m not sure why he was just wearing a white shirt--you know just the undershirt type?  But, he was, and that wasn’t allowed at this place.  Which I also don’t understand why it wouldn’t be allowed….  Anyway, we ventured over to the mall across the parking lot, and I helped him pick out a shirt from Dillards.  (Which is still one of my favorite shirts on him, btw.)  He bought it, removed the tags and put it on.

The new shirt worked, and we did successfully get to go country dancing.  We had a great time and lots of great songs were played.  We two stepped, line-danced and did some swing too.  The only downside was the {rather large} woman who ran into Rocket Scientist’s hand and jammed his thumb.  His thumb was ok though, just sore for a few days.

After we were done dancing, Rocket Scientist took me home.  He parked on the street and started walking me to the door.  He stopped me on the driveway and pointed out the clear night.  We could see so many beautiful stars.  It was perfect.  Then he turned and kissed me.  Our first kiss, on our sixth date and it was perfect until two seconds later….

To be continued…..

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