
Friday, January 21, 2011

One Year Blogiversary!

Can you believe it?!?!?!  I can hardly believe it's been one year since I started this cooking blog!  :)  So let's sing.... Happy Blogiversary to you, Happy Blogiversary to you, Happy Blogiversary dear ADM.  Happy Blogiversary to you!  And many more. :)

365 Days.
278 Posts.
157 New Recipes.
3 Giveaways (Easybag, Apron and NC)

Wow.  That makes me tired just looking at it.  ;)  Just kidding!  Anyway, it's been a great year!  And now, more than ever, am I super glad I started this endeavor!  I can't believe in a year I only came up with that many recipes though...I guess that still averages out to one every 2-3 days though.  And I am only one woman.   :)

I have a few goals for this blogyear!

1.  Continue to provide you, the readers, with quality recipes that I create in my own kitchen.
2.  Tie music into every post!  After all, I did name it "A Delicious Melody".  (Did you like the song at the beginning of this post? hehe :)
3.  Become a better food photographer.  (You may have noticed that I've already made some headway in this area in the last few weeks. :)
4.  Have more giveaways, providing you more chances to get great items like this one that's coming up as soon as I get my 100th follower on facebook, twitter and blogger combined!  :)

I want to thank all my readers for making this possible.  I would love it if you'd give me more feedback when you try my recipes, and ideas for new recipes!!  A special thanks to my Mom for encouraging me to start and keep up with this!  And a special thanks to my hubby for being the "taste tester" and encourager every step of the way too!  :)  I couldn't have done this without you two beside me!