
Friday, February 18, 2011

Blessings and Changes

Hey there my readers!  I hope you are all doing really well!  I hear the weather is going to be just beautiful (and springlike!!!) in much of the US, so I hope you can get out and enjoy it some! :)

As you may (or may not) already know, I recently got a job at a high-end kitchen/gourmet food store.  I just finished my 4th day of work and I'm really enjoying it!  The store itself is amazing, the employees are nice and helpful and the customers are super nice!  So what more could a girl ask for in her new retail job?  God has really blessed us with this job.  It was all in His perfect timing and it's really more than I could have imagined!

I've thought about it all week, and have talked with my hubby and Mom about it.  Anyway, since I now will be working away from home I am going to make some changes with this blog/website.  Since I have been writing this cooking blog for over a year, and already have many recipes cataloged, I've decided to step back from blogging everyday.  I will do this as a trial period for a Month and see how it goes.

I want to keep cooking and providing creative recipes from my kitchen to yours, but I also don't want to get in completely over my head.  So, I will be posting a recipe (or maybe a whole meal from main dish to dessert) each week for the next month.  Let me know what you think, and we'll see where it goes from there.

I do know two things though:  I love cooking, and I enjoy blogging.  And it appears that people like reading what I post about cooking (and actually use my recipes) so....I'm definitely going to keep doing this!  It's just going to have to be a little different for now!  :)  Sound good?

And as always if you have any requests for recipes or ideas for me, please send them my way!!! :)  Thanks!!!!!!  I love y'all!  :)

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