
Sunday, February 6, 2011

It's a Love Story: Chapter 12

So, the new job is going well and life is grand.  Then comes February, the month of Love!  I knew I wanted to do something special for RS, and so I cooked up (literally) a plan.  I managed to find a great big, beautiful brisket (at Sams) that I cooked up with all the fixings.  In fact, I got a bottle of our favorite wine--Reunite Lambrusco for the occasion.

I had RS dress up, but tired to keep the rest a secret.  So when he showed up at my parents house (on Valentine’s Day) to find their dining room decorated as a romantic table for two (with the help of my Mom!) he was pleased.  He, of course didn’t show up empty handed.  He had the most beautiful red roses I’d ever seen.  We placed those on the table, and I serve up dinner.  We had a nice dinner and exchanged our little mementos.

Now, did you know that RS’s birthday just so happens  to fall on the day after Valentine’s Day.  Yep, it is.  Pretty sweet huh? : )   I made him dinner for his Birthday the next night, with leftover brisket from the night before.  I gave him his birthday present which were some grips for his Jeep.  You know, the kind that you just strap on to the roll cage about the doors?  Yep, those, and they were nice and comfy and sturdy, and yes, probably cute.  Oh, and don’t forget useful!  Especially when four wheeling!  : )  Still have them on the Jeep to this day….not that it’s been that long….

We had a couple of really great dates over Valentine’s Day and RS’s Birthday.  I still remember feeling so in love, and truly thinking that was as in love as I’d ever be.  Little did I know, the only way to go was up!  (As in more in love…)

The rest of February was great.  I got to go out to KY with my parents to visit my sis and her fam, for her daughter’s 1st bday.  Then, I had to come back to reality and do taxes.  At least RS and I could spend time together while doing our taxes…not that we could do ours jointly, just in each other’s company.  Which made/makes everything better. : )

Easter was on April 8th, in 2007 and we spent the morning at my home Church and the afternoon with family.  We had a great time celebrating the Lord’s resurrection, and the time with my family was great.  We got to play with my oldest sister’s kiddos which is always a blast.  And then we went to the park to serve an Easter dinner to the homeless in a park downtown.

My birthday is on Tax Day or April 15th, and RS took  me out to dinner at this great Italian restaurant near the place we had our first date!  We dressed up and had a.m.a.z.i.n.g. food and a great time!  We also took a stroll around after dinner, and then RS gave me my gift.  It was this really cool musical instrument I’d wanted.  I’d seen it when we’d visited Estes Park/Rocky Mountain National Park at the beginning of January, and I could hardly believe my eyes that he’d gotten it for it.

It was SO sweet that he’d done the leg work to find it and order it, and that he’d remembered it, and that he got it in time for my birthday.  And, just that he got it for me.  It was so sweet.  I loved it. Perfect gift, just because so much forethought had gone into it and it was so great. So treasured. So sweet.  It’s a lap harp, called a “Music Maker”.  It’s so cute.  So portable.  So perfect.  And it sounds good too!  : )

To be continued....

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