
Monday, February 7, 2011

It's a Love Story: Chapter 13

May was here, and it was just a month till the big day.  On the 4th, RS and I went to a Colorado Rockies game with a group of people from my work.  Since it was down in Denver, we (RS and I) made a whole day date out of it and had a blast.  We walked around lodo and found this great Crepery where we ate lunch before the game.  RS ordered a “Ratatouille crepe, which was savory with lots of veggies and meat inside.  And I had a dessert crepe with lots of fruit, chocolate and whipped cream.  Everything was just exquisite, and we had a great lunch!  Then we wandered around some more, before we went to the game.  The game was great--the Rockies played well and they won!  (Which is always nice!: )

The rest of May flew by and before we knew it, it was Memorial Day weekend.  We went up to my family’s cabin with my parents for the long weekend.  While we were there my grandparents came up for a day and we all had a nice visit.  The rest of the weekend was very relaxing and nice time to get away before the rush of last minute wedding preparations.  My Mom took some great photos of RS and me while we were at the cabin.  In fact, we used one for the front of our Wedding program! : )

Once we got back to town it was just about a week until our Wedding.  My Mom and I were finishing up the last minute details and double checking deliveries on everything.  RS and I couldn’t wait, yet we were both a bit stressed about it all too….

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