
Thursday, February 10, 2011

It's a Love Story: Chapter 16 (Wedding Part II)

The bridesmaids had walked down the aisle to “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” by JS Bach.  Then I heard the wedding march start.  It was time.  My dad and I started down the aisle.  All eyes were on me, and it seemed like we floated down the aisle because before I knew it, we were there.  My handsome Groom right in front of me.  My Pastor asked “Who gives this woman?” and my father responded, “Her mother and I.”  Then RS and I were hand in hand.

We walked up the steps together and the bridesmaids/groomsmen took their places on the steps too.  Pastor P prayed and then started.  Although I couldn’t tell you everything he said, I can tell you it was great.  We gave our moms roses and hugged our parents.  The Pastor talked about marriage and the joining of two people to make one.  About leaving your father and mother and cleaving to each other.  And about having Christ the center of your marriage.

There we were standing hand in hand, listening to the Pastor.  At the altar.  With all these witnesses.  All our family.  Great friends. And we were getting married!  Tying the knot. Getting hitched.  However you think of it, it was happening.  Kind of surreal, and definitely exciting, and that’s why I can’t remember every detail from the ceremony.  : )

The Pastor said more, and also took the opportunity to share Christ with the guests.  Then it was time to sing “The Prayer”.  The song went really well.  We lit the Unity candle and took our places again in front of the Pastor.

We exchanged the vows we had written blended with the traditional ones.  RS went first and went to put the ring on my hand.  I was so enthralled and touched by what he was saying that I forgot to get my hand ready for the ring.  I was caught off guard and it gave us a good laugh, and a couple of funny photos.  Then it was my turn, and put the ring on his hand smoothly. (So cute. May I add. I just loved the look of the wedding band on his hand.)  We were almost all done.  Wow that ceremony just flew by…..

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