
Saturday, February 12, 2011

It's a Love Story: Chapter 18 (Wedding Part IV)

We cut the cake and fed each other a little piece.  We did it nicely, for a few reasons really, but mostly because we wanted to show that we respected each other. :)  Then we were waiting there awkwardly wondering what to do next, for what seemed like forever.  You know, we’d been to weddings/receptions plenty of times before, but when it’s your day there are just SO many things going on and running through your head, it’s easy to forget some things.

Then we remembered, or realized, it was time for the toast.  So, we raised our glasses of ginger ale, or punch if you were a guest, and the Best Man and an Usher made toasts.  They were very heart-felt words said and I think it brought a tear to each of our eyes.  We all toasted and then the cake was served.

Our cake was great, but of course I’m partial.  We got it from King Soopers, because they are just my favorite!  It was tiered and mostly white with beautiful azalea and lighter pink colored roses on it!  There were three different flavors too;  Almond Poppyseed Cake with Raspberry filling, White Cake with Lemon filling and Chocolate Cake.  Yeah, it was great.  (And for the record, the top froze well and tasted great on our First Wedding Anniversary.)

We danced more, and the rest of the reception just flew by, much like the rest of the day.  We make an exit into a decorated getaway car, and waved goodbye.  Then we stopped by my parent’s house so I could get changed out of my wedding gown and be able to leave it there.  Then we headed over to this great Bed and Breakfast in town.  Even though the wedding had started at 12:30pm, and we left the reception around 5pm, we didn’t want to have to leave for our honeymoon that night.  So, my sweet parents found, reserved and paid for our room our wedding night.  It was great too.  The B&B was cute, cozy and just wonderful.  They also had just the BEST breakfast in the whole wide world!  I’ll never forget that Pecan Crusted French Toast served along with simple fruits smothered in sweet cream.  Yum.  :)

We actually decided to stay at that B&B two nights because we thought it was so great.  So, we just spent the day after our wedding with a series of dates throughout my hometown.  We picked up lunch and ate it in one of my very favorite parks.  Then we placed some Frisbee and walked around.  When it was time for dinner we ate at my very favorite Chinese Restaurant that RS had never tried yet.  It was a great, and relaxing day.  Then we rested up for the long drive the next day.

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