
Monday, February 14, 2011

It's a Love Story: Chapter 20

While we were staying in Crested Butte we went for a 2 hour horseback ride one day, a few miles of out town at Harmel’s Ranch.  We had a great time, and such a special time together.  We both love horses, but I especially do and have since I was a wee one.  :)  So it was great to be able to do some horseback riding together on our honeymoon.

Then on our last night in Crested Butte we found a great Italian restaurant to eat dinner.  I got some fabulous spaghetti marinara and RS got their special Gnocchi with cream sauce. Our server found out it was our honeymoon and gave us Champagne on the house.  Dinner was great, and then we headed back to the hotel.  We rented the movie iRobot because I’d never seen it, and got it set up in RS’s laptop.  We watched it for about 15 minutes and then, his laptop died.  No not the battery.  It was fine.  No not something simple, he being the Rocket Scientist could fix or anything.  Nope, like died forever.  Sad.  But it was ok, we decided to call it an early night and turned in.

Good thing we called it a good night too, because we had a long night.  RS got really sick on his stomach and around 1am I woke up to him vomiting in the bathroom.  I got up to see if I could help and gave him some sprite and crackers to hopefully help his stomach settle.  It helped for about 2 hours.

Then I woke up at about 3am to him loudly vomiting again.  You know, he’s the type of man who yells when he vomits.  I don’t think he means to, it just happens.  Like the way vomiting always makes my eyes tear up.  It just makes him yell.  Anyway, it’s probably a good thing the hotel was pretty vacant with it being the middle of June and all because he was pretty loud in the middle of the night. :)

I, trying to be the perfect new little wifey, went down to the front desk of the hotel to get some Pepto for my poor hubby.  RS took the Pepto and it helped him until morning.  Then we loaded up the car and made our way to my parent’s cabin.  RS still wasn’t feeling too well, so I drove and we made a stop at the Wal-Mart in Gunnison for some more Pepto.  I continued to drive the rest of the way to the cabin, and I’m pretty sure RS consumed pretty much the whole bottle of that pink stuff throughout the day.  I don’t know what it was that made him sick…but it sure made him sick. :(  And the funny thing is that he still likes Gnocchi and eats it…I don’t think I could after going through that.  Makes an interesting story though….the things that happen. :)

We made it to the cabin by the afternoon, and we both could just relax again.  RS felt better by the next day and we hiked, fished and loafed for the next week or so.  Then after our 12 days of honeymoon we had to go back to reality.  But it was a new reality since it was the first time living together and all.  I moved into the apartment, that was part of campus housing and we started the rest of our adventure together!  :)

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