
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

It's a Love Story: Chapter 7

We all headed back home and back to reality on Sunday afternoon.  RS and I stopped at his parent’s house again on the way back, and had dinner with them.  It was nice to be able to see them again.

Then my parents had some sort of dinner plans in a neighboring town on Tuesday night.  I didn’t think much of it at first, but then things weren’t adding up.  When my parents got home, I asked them how dinner was.  My mom told me that they ate pizza at this local pizza place and had a nice time.

Later that evening, when I was on the phone with RS it turned our he had eaten pizza for dinner too.  I put a couple of pieces together and managed to squeeze something out of my mom.  RS had invited my parents out to dinner, and gave them a tour of his lab.  (Later I found out, he also asked for my hand in marriage that night. : )

Anyway, RS and I were still having those Argentine Tango lessons every week.  We’d have dinner, and usually a little walk around before class each week.  Those lessons had really paid off by the time the end of September came around because my cousin J got married on September 28th, 2007.

My parents, RS and I all attended the wedding and reception.  We had a great time, and we got to dance quite a bit.  I actually caught the bouquet and RS caught the garter too.  I am pretty sure it was rigged! Ha!  (I also found out later that RS had purchased a certain sparkly thing and told my parents about it during the reception while I was talking to someone else.)

Our last dance lesson was in the middle of October.  We at a Red Robin that night, and then danced the night away.  RS took me home and stayed in the guest room, because we were flying out the next morning.  We flew to San Francisco, CA to spend some time (and so I could meet) his best friend who was living there.

We had a great flight, and the first night we ate at this amazing Steakhouse called “Sizzlin’”.  His best friend had to work on Friday, so RS and I just saw some sights of the city that day.  We walked all around pier 39 and around that part of town. We also managed to catch a ride on a Cable Car.  Then we took a tour of the USS Pampanito.

After the best friend got off work he met us downtown and we walked around for 45 minutes before settling on somewhere to eat.  Dinner was ok, but not one of my faves.  That’s another story though.  : )

The next day was Saturday and we all got an early start by going to the beach in Pacifica.  RS had this idea that he wanted to fly a kite on the beach while we were in California.  I mean, he had talked about for a month before we left for CA and still while we were there.  So, that’s what we decided to do first on Saturday morning.  The morning was crisp and cool, since it was mid-October in Northern Cali.  But it was beautiful.

Before I knew it I was holding this kite, and RS told me to count to ten as he walked away.  I guess I was supposed to count how many steps he was taking or something.  I’m still not quite sure why.  But he was awkwardly taking long and slow steps down the sandy beach.

I finally get to “10” and the kite goes flying into the air.  The wind was perfect for kite flying that morning.  And the sky was perfectly clear too.  All the sudden I see something shiny coming down the string….

To be continued….

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