
Friday, February 11, 2011

Menu Board

So, I've been trying to get back to being more organized about meals (and life in general).  I wanted to have some sort of menu board for menu planning, and also some other space for pics, lists, etc...all in my kitchen.  I also didn't want to spend a fortune.  So this is what I came up with, and while it's still a work in progress.  I am going to post this portion of it now, and then I can do a follow-up post later of the total finished product.  (With all the pieces in place on the wall.)
I started with these four 12" square cork tiles that I got for $6 for the pack at Wal-mart.  Here's what I did....
I really like the way it turned out.  You can certainly tailor it to your liking.  You can do all 7 days or just weekdays like I did.  You can use different colors, shapes, etc. too.  Feel free to use stickers, handwriting or a computer for the lettering on it too!  You could also color coordinate meals by either type of meat (chicken, beef, veg...) or type of food (Mexican, Italian, etc...).  I really like the idea of color coordinating meals, then when you have the stack of meals (like in my basket below) you could easily grab them--by color!  
 I also have this suggestion above for a shopping list you can stuck right by the menu planner.  (I'm going to do this, just didn't get it in the pic!)
 And this cute little basket really came in handy as you can see...  :)

I will post more pics of the final presentation and project, but I can already tell you that I like the way it's turning out!!  :)  I love organizing stuff, and actually getting organized!!!

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