
Friday, April 15, 2011

Boiled Peanuts

Have you ever had a boiled peanut?  Or maybe a better question to ask would be...have you ever heard of a boiled peanut?  Well, I sure hadn't until about 8 months ago, when my parents, hubby and I were driving to the Outer Banks for a day trip just after we moved to NC.  We saw a large store called "Mackey's Ferry Peanuts", but didn't get a chance to stop by.

So, when my Mom and I were just in the Outer Banks this week, we decided to stop by Mackey's and try some boiled peanuts.  They also offer some very special grape juice (Muscadine) that is just delicious, as well as lots of canned goods in addition to peanuts in every shape and form! (Yum!)  As you may already know, peanuts are actually a legume not a nut, so boiled peanuts are really a practical (and more normal) way of eating them. (As opposed to roasting or something...)  But not everyone will like peanuts boiled....just like not everyone will like them roasted.  :)  Boiled peanuts taste a lot like a pinto bean.

Anyway, I wanted to bring some home to my hubby so I bought a quart and stuck them in my cooler.  The owner gave us simple instructions for heating them at home and we did some tonight.  (And the peanuts were locally grown in Eastern NC, btw)
 In the boiling water....
 Coming out of the boiling water......
 Pouring onto the plate....
 Ready to eat!  
My mom and I did try them but I think we both still prefer the roasted type of peanuts, while my hubby really, really liked the boiled ones....  To each his own!  :)  What a unique experience!  If you're ever in NC check out Mackey's either in Jamestown or at the State Farmer's Market in Raleigh.

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