
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My Favorite Sugar Cookies

I've never been too big of a fan of sugar cookies to be completely honest.  I've always been a HUGE fan of sugar cookie dough, but just not the baked version.  My Mom makes the best of, well, everything!  So of course I would eat some of hers whenever I had the chance.  But I've never been too big of a fan of any sugar cookies I've made.  I'm not sure if I didn't read the instructions carefully enough, or if I ended up either not baking them enough or over baking them...but they just never have tasted that good to me when I make them.  Until now.  So I will share my findings with you and you can check out my summery, and themed cookies I made today!  :)

I'm still not quite sure what convinced me to bake today though...  Maybe it's partially the fact that I could have just gone outside and cooked anything, probably ever cookies, on the sidewalk.  I don't know about you, but it's been super duper hot here this week!  We've had heat advisories (and I know much of the country has too!) and today alone it had a heat index of 105!  So, yeah...don't really know why I wanted to bake, but we do have AC so I guess that's part of the reason.  I can't really tell the heat unless I'm out in I bake.  :)  And apparently ramble on...  :)  On to the cookies...

Sugar Cookie  (Originally Better Homes and Gardens, tweeked by A Delicious Melody:)
  • 2/3
    cup butter, softened
  • 3/4
    cup sugar
  • 1
    teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4
    teaspoon salt
  • 2
    egg whites 
  • 1
    tablespoon milk
  • 1-1/2
    teaspoons lemon extract
  • 2
    cups all-purpose flour

    1.  Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
    2.  Beat butter and sugar until well combined.
    3.  Beat in baking powder, salt, egg whites, milk and lemon extract until smooth.
    4.  Carefully add about 1/2 c. of flour at a time mixing in each one, until all the flour has been added.
    5.  Refrigerate to cut out later, or scoop and flatten right away and bake for about 7 minutes each batch.
    Yields about 36 cookies.

    Cool completely before frosting.

    Here are the designs I came up with today when frosting them.  :)  I used Royal Icing (actually from a mix...I know that's lazy...but it was convenient...)  and made it regular royal icing for the white parts and then diluted it a tad to be able to mix the colors into as well as just smoothly cover the cookies.  I really like (for the most part) the way they turned out too!!!  :)
    What says summer more than little smiling cookie suns?  :)

    I think these would be super cute for a baby shower.
    (And no, that's not a hint here.)

    I can't wait for football season, so even when I iced them pink and lavender they still looked like footballs to me!  :)


    UNC Chapel Hill  (Their logo is really hard to do....)

    The faceoff...  Who.  Will.  Win?  ;)
    Hope this gives you some inspiration!  And I really hope you enjoy these cookies as much as we do!  :)

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