Friday, August 26, 2011

Whole Grain Crackers

I never realized how easy crackers were to make at home until I just made them yesterday!  They are also tasty, and I know exactly what is in them! :)  Plus they are super versatile....whole wheat, whole grain, whole lotta options!

My basic whole grain cracker recipe:
1 c. Whole Grain Flour
1 c. All Purpose Flour (or whole grain)
1 T. Olive Oil
2 t. Honey
1 t. seeds (optional)
1/2 t. Baking Powder
1/4 t. Salt

My rye cracker recipe:
1 c. Rye Flour
1 c. Flour (1/2 c. Whole Wheat & 1/2 c. All Purpose)
1 T. Olive Oil
2 t. Honey
1 t. Caraway Seeds
1/2 t. Baking Powder
1/4 t. Salt

1.  Mix together all of the ingredients.  The dough will be sticky.  Preheat oven to 400degrees.
2.  Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and knead until it is easy to work with and not sticky anymore. (Just a few kneads really.)
3.  Roll out to about 1mm or so thin, and cut into your desired shapes.  I used a round biscuit cutter because I felt like round crackers.  Do whatever makes you happy! :)
 4.  Place on baking sheet.  (I actually used my holey pizza pan to sure crispness, but you can do whatever you want!) 
 5.  Once the pan is filled up, be sure to poke several holes in each cracker with a fork before baking.  (See example a little below as to why we poke.)
 6.  Once they have been poked with the fork, you can bake them for about 7 minutes.  Be sure to check them after 5 minutes though.  Also you can turn them halfway through if you'd like.  I did a combo of things on mine to see what I liked best.  If you make thicker crackers they will need to bake longer in order to get crispy.
7.  Once they are done baking, immediately remove them from the baking pan and place them on a cooling rack until cool.  Then store them in an airtight container.
 In the above picture you can see the difference between a cracker that has holes poked in it verses on that doesn't.  :)  So I recommend the holes, unless you like puffy crackers.  :)
 Homemade crackers.  Yum.  :)
Cream cheese on my new homemade cracker?  Yes please.  :)


  1. 0249D136DCWade06BAA32519October 12, 2024 at 8:44 AM

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