
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Easter Craft, Poem and Song

Since Easter is only a few days away, I thought I'd share an activity and song I came up with for my preschool choir that I lead at Church.  This poem is one you can find many versions of online.  It's usually called something like "jelly bean poem" or "jelly bean prayer".  Here instead of jelly beans I used music notes, since it's for my little choir.  And I made up a coloring sheet/craft to go with it.  You can get the plain one below, this is just an example of what some of my kids did with it tonight.  (Although, theirs were colored with crayons not the get the idea though!:)

I like the poem so much that I wanted to set it to some music, and I figured out that it goes really well with "Doe a Deer" from Sound of Music.  (That I conveniently had just taught my choir last week!)  So they caught on to this really fast tonight!  I'll write it out below, so you get a better idea of how it goes.  :)  If you have any questions let me know!

Red is for the blood He gave.
(Do a deer a female deer.)

Green is for the grass made.
(Re a drop of golden sun.)

Yellow is for the sun so bright.
(Mi a name I call myself.)

Orange is for the edge of night.
(Fa a long, long way to run.)

Black is for the sins we made.
(So a needle pulling thread.)

White is for the grace He gave.
(La a note to follow so.)

Purple for His hour of sorrow.
(Ti a drink with jam and bread.)

Pink is for a new tomorrow. (to-mo-ro-o-ow)
(That will bring us back to do-oh-oh-oh)

Pretty catchy huh?  I really like it, and it went over really well with my 4-6 year olds.  So I hope you and yours enjoy it too.  Here's the printable coloring sheet/craft:

Another example of one:

Enjoy!  And Happy Easter!  :)


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