
Sunday, December 2, 2012

My (our) new toy!

My hubby and I have both been really wanting a Digital SLR for a few years now.  Each year when I get Christmas or Birthday money I hope to save it up for a camera but something else comes along to gain my affections...ususally clothes, shoes or things to craft with...  

This year my husband and I both decided to pool our Christmas money together though and *hopefully* be able to afford a DSLR.  I have been checking specs and prices on cameras (and so has he) for as long as I have been interested in getting one, so when we saw a great deal on Black Friday we went for it.  It just arrived in the mail on Thursday and we got to try it out a bit that evening and today after Church too.  I must say, that we are impressed. :)  I still have a ton to learn, and I'm sure the Mr. would say the same, but it's already taking great pics for us!  Can't wait to learn more about it and how to become a better photographer!!  It's exciting I get to share this all with my hubby too.  Just one of the perks of being married to my best friend. :)